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Welcome to eimams

eimams is the fastest-growing online recruitment of Islamic orientated job website, which makes it the only and leading jobsite specifically aimed at the Muslim job sectors. The idea was born out of a discussion with some friends about the lack of a website dedicated to Muslim jobs and to the Muslim job sectors that have been growing rapidly and making a mark in the British economy. We, therefore, embarked upon this path to create a job website where jobs could be advertised specifically aimed at the Muslim communities. The vacancies are not exclusively from Muslim organisations, rather it is from all sectors which require specialist Islamic qualifications to serve the growing number of Muslims settling in the UK and around Europe but also worldwide.

With thousands of jobs being advertised weekly eimams attracts thousands of jobseekers each month. Eimams holds a strong reputation amongst jobseekers with an inclusive variety of recruiters, from multinationals companies to small regionally-based businesses and organisations. Receiving thousands of applications each month, recruitment consultants and advertising agencies use eimams to recruit individuals across almost every sector.

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Few words from the founder

Assalamu Alaikum,

We hope that this platform serves its purpose by allowing Muslim oraganisations and institutions to advertise their jobs postings on eimams. Our aim is to ensure that eimams becomes a source of pride for Muslims who seek to work in an Islamic environment. Eimams has come a long way since its birth in 2003. The idea of eimams is a remarkable one. During the month of Ramadan I had received a message that a Masjid is seeking an Imam for Ramadan to lead Tarawih. I questioned myself as to why we do not have a platform which serves this purpose but also the bigger picture which is that we do not have any platform for Masaajids, Madaaris, Imams, Quran teachers, Arabic teachers and any other roles which is within the Islamic Shariah framework. After conducting research online for over 3 months, the founder did not find any websites that offers that service for faith related jobs. My team and I started this project to do Khidmah for the ‘Ulema, Huffaz, Qurra and Imams around the UK and Europe. It took 2 years to develop the website with the team. The reason why it took 2 years is because we did not have any blueprint to work from. No such work has been done before according to the research we conducted.

Therefore, it was a totally new concept that was in the making. Alhamdulillah, we managed to create the world’s first specialist Muslim job website called ‘eimams’. Since then it has grown slowly in strength. As with all Islamic projects, funding was restricted and getting the message to the Muslims was another challenge as it still is. Nonetheless, we continued with this project and Alhamdulillah, it is being received with warmth and positivity. Since 2013, we still haven’t found any other website which caters specifically for the specialist jobs. With over 4.5 million Muslims in the world and 2 billion around the world, it is somewhat surprising that we do not have a platform. The Islamic economy has existed since its inception and it will continue. Wherever Muslims live, there will always be an Islamic economy i.e. Halal Food, Islamic Finance, Faith related jobs, Islamic Media, Online services and many more; the need has always existed. We need to ensure that we provide platforms for the Muslims wherever they live. Alhamdulillah eimams intends to do just that. We can confidently say that a platform like eimams is unheard of and much needed for the Muslims. It is important to understand that underlying purpose of this platform and support it where possible. Eimams is and has been ahead of its time which has been accepted by prominent individuals around UK. In fairness it does take a little time to understand this concept, because something like this has not happened before and we are not thinking that there exists an Islamic job sector and its growing at a rapid pace. The Muslims are desperately seeking this platform but do not know how to voice this need. Alhamdulillah, through an unworthy person like me, Allah SWT has made this possible. Alhamdulillah. I hope that this platform becomes an important source for the Muslims in the UK and across the world. Please make use of this platform as this is a Sadqa-e-Jariya project for me in this world and for my Akhira. Being a Madrasa graduate myself I feel very passionately about Uleama, Huffaz and Qurra and feel that this sacred sector has never been appreciated as it should be, and thus this is a gift for them and I hope that they will keep me in their duas. May Allah the most merciful shower His mercy upon us all. Ameen.

Shakir Ahmed